What is the Kansas Business Group on Health?

What is the Kansas Business Group on Health?

Addressing a need

秘密已经出来了:美国的医疗保健很昂贵.  Shocker, right?  随着保险费稳步上升,药品越来越难以负担, it sometimes feels like there is no end in sight.  Employers, who provide insurance coverage for over half of the U.S. population, are really feeling the pinch.  现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是,福利和保险设计的效率最大化是关键.  雇主可以向哪里寻求指导、资源和最佳实践的分享?

堪萨斯健康商业组织(原威奇托健康商业联盟), a non-profit membership organization based out of Wichita, KS, exists to do just that.  我们的使命是通过识别和传播资源,帮助雇主降低医疗成本, best practices, and innovative approaches for benefit and insurance design.  We provide relevant education, networking opportunities, and now also negotiate discounted, 对已被证明可以降低成本的服务进行集体定价.


A little bit of history

作为“威奇托远见计划”的一部分于2008年开始, 威奇托医疗保健商业联盟(WBCHC)作为一个多方利益相关者团体成立, including employer groups, medical providers, insurance companies, brokers, and other stakeholders, that was focused on addressing healthcare costs in Wichita.  The Coalition has had great leaders from the beginning, 先是罗恩·怀廷,然后是珍妮特·哈默斯.  In August 2018, Janet decided to retire.  At this time, 于是决定将该组织划归塞奇威克县医学协会.  Shelley Duncan, Matt Thibault, and Dr. Justin Moore, who all work in other programs at the Medical Society, stepped in continue the momentum built by Ron and Janet.


Where we are now

As part of our new identify under the Medical Society, 我们决定彻底改变,把我们的名字改成你们今天看到的——新澳门葡京赌场app(正规澳门赌场app)。.  该组织的另一个新成员是招募了博士. 贾斯汀·摩尔,他现在是正规澳门赌场app的医学主任.  WBCHC多年来一直提供相关和知情的教育产品, 但在寻找为会员增加更多价值的方式时, 我们还决定成为一个“购买者联盟”.  这意味着我们协商资源的折扣价格,以帮助新澳门葡京赌场app控制成本, 除了已经提供的教育和交流机会之外.  Here’s a rundown of all the ways we can help.


Member resources

我们一直在努力为新澳门葡京赌场app识别和提供资源,这些资源既能提供价值,又能显著降低成本. As we looked into what resources we offer our members, 我们试图找出普遍影响所有雇主的高成本领域. 考虑到这一点,我们确定药房、糖尿病和健康素养是机会所在的领域. Because of this, 为了解决这些问题,我们与以下机构签订了团购协议:

  • Right Rx, 一个治疗等效程序,它在幕后工作,以确定您的员工正在服用的具有相同疗效的低成本药物.


  • Living Connected (CCS Medical), 糖尿病管理和供应程序,帮助患者实时管理他们的糖尿病, 哪些有助于预防并发症和提高生活质量.



新澳门葡京赌场app现在也为中小企业提供了一种新的保险选择, fully-insured employers who wish to become self-insured.  这个新的选择提供了所有的好处是自我保险与降低财务风险与其他健康的雇主在池.

Visit our Initiatives page 以了解有关本文中提到的任何资源的更多信息.  If you have any other questions please contact us!